Why Choose a Certified James Hardie® Elite Preferred Contractor?

Quality home improvement should be on every homeowner’s mind. It safeguards your family and your energy bills against the outside elements and helps increase your home’s value once you decide to sell. When the time comes to get started on an extensive home improvement project, you need to ensure that the materials you will be using are durable and high quality. More importantly, you need to be sure these materials are in the hands of someone who knows how to get the job done right. A properly trained contractor is recommended for any alterations to your home, like siding or roof replacement. This will ensure a smooth installation without the risk of product failure.

What are James Hardie Preferred Contractors?

James Hardie takes pride in the durability of its fiber cement products. These products can outlast the worst weather, but even their siding can deteriorate and cause more issues if not installed correctly. James Hardie wants to alleviate the customer’s fear of improper installation by introducing the James Hardie Alliance Program. The application methods and qualifications for a contractor in this program are very strict, ensuring that not just anyone can hold this title and install your product.

Requirements to be a Preferred Contractor:

  • You must be licensed and fully bonded professionally.
  • You are required to observe the James Hardie Installation Best Practices.
  • You must be able to keep an excellent credit report.
  • Background checks will need to be successfully passed.
  • You are required to have workman’s compensation insurance.
  • You are required to implement a highly professional sales approach.
  • You must comply with regular and random installation audits done by James Hardie.
  • You need to have a good record with the Better Business Bureau or other agencies.
  • You must maintain liability insurance of $1,000,000 at the bare minimum for every occurrence.
Once James Hardie Siding has been installed on a home, a third-party survey team will be called to evaluate the contractor that completed the job. The survey will also record input from the customers that hired said contractor.

Issues that come from an improper installation

The fiber cement siding that James Hardie produces is of the highest quality and can last for decades. Some of the qualities that make it unique are its resistance to weather, sunlight, and insects. In the unfortunate event that this siding is not installed correctly, your home will not be fully protected.

These are just a few issues that could result from incorrect installation:

  • Improper Clearance: The fiber cement siding must be installed with the property clearance spaces from steps, gutter, flashing, driveways, decks, and roofs.
  • Wrong Attachment: The nails placed into the siding should be either face-nailed or blind-nailed, but not both. Nails must be the right size and driven into the siding straight.
  • Improper Cuttings: Fiber cement needs special saws to cut the boards properly without damaging them.
  • Caulking: No caulking should ever be applied to Jame Hardie ColorPlus siding.
For the installation of Hardie Board siding, a James Hardie Alliance Program contractor is the safest, smartest option to ensure a quality installation.