Winter Weather Roof Replacement More than 5 million roofs are installed every year, but plenty of Americans see cold, snowy weather for about one-third of the year during the winter months. As that time of year draws near, you may notice that your roof is leaking or you're missing shingles.
Read MoreWindows & the Value of Your Home Whether you’re looking to sell your house or you just want to keep it in good shape, you may be wondering how to increase your home’s value. After all, for most Americans, their home is their biggest asset.
Read MoreWindows & Interior Temperature On average, 20% of a wall's surface area in your home is made up of windows. In the wintertime, they expel more heat, and in the summer, they gain heat. In fact, windows distribute more heat than any of the other surfaces in your home.
Read MoreHow to Choose Your Room's Window Design Are your windows tired and drab-looking? Have they been leaking moisture or letting unwanted cold or warm air in the house? What are your windows doing for the style of your home? Do they fit with your home's personality and decor?
Read MoreNew Windows & Energy Efficiency In the U.S., the average home used over 10,000 kilowatt-hours every year. With energy costs always increasing, homeowners are always looking for ways to save energy. That's where new windows come in.
Read MoreWhen Do You Need New Windows? What New Windows Should You Choose? Sometimes it's obvious that your windows need replacing - like when a baseball flies in from the front yard. But other times it's more subtle - like when you can't seem to keep your house heated because of drafty old windows.
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